以昆明市4条主要道路的15种常见绿地树种为试材,通过实地调查及测量,对其叶片的降温增湿能力进行了分析比较。结果表明:不同树种的降温增湿能力差异很大,其中云南樟的降温增湿效果最好,日释水总量达到1 195.56g/m2,日降温度数为0.22℃;常春藤的日降温度数最低,仅为0.09℃;广玉兰的日释水总量最低,仅为505.44g/m2;不同植物在同一道路和同一植物在不同道路的降温增湿能力不同,所测的15种绿地树种降温能力大小依次为:云南樟(0.22℃)>香樟(0.21℃)>天竺桂(0.157℃)>小叶女贞(0.15℃)>紫叶李(0.14℃)>红叶石楠(0.13℃)>滇朴(0.12℃)>银杏(0.118℃)>八角金盘(0.11℃)>小叶榕(0.10℃)>常春藤(0.09℃),而杜鹃、广玉兰、茶梅和山茶的降温能力差别不大,都在0.09℃左右;增湿能力大小依次为:云南樟(1 195.56g/m2)>香樟(1 086.39g/m2)>紫叶李(749.16g/m2)>小叶女贞(743.31g/m2)>天竺桂(726.66g/m2)>红叶石楠(698.94g/m2)>滇朴(664.56g/m2)>八角金盘(623.52g/m2)>银杏(617.58g/m2)>杜鹃(586.98g/m2)>小叶榕(580.02g/m2)>茶梅(539.46g/m2)>山茶(524.70g/m2)>常春藤(506.51g/m2)>广玉兰(505.44g/m2);综合降温增湿能力总体上来说是:常绿乔木>落叶乔木>灌木。因此在道路绿化中,在考虑美化环境的同时,为提高道路绿地的生态效益,应多选用常绿乔木等降温增湿能力强的树种搭配种植。
Taking 15 common greenery trees in four main roads of Kunming city as the experiment materials,through the field investigation and measurement, their effect of reducing temperature and increasing humidity were analyzed and compared. The results showed that the reducing temperature and increasing humidity capacities were very difference in different tree species,and the Cinnamornum glanduliferum was reached the best effect among the 15 tree species. Its amount of release water was reached by 1 195. 56 g/m2 per day, and the reducing temperature degree was 0. 22℃ per day;The Hedera nepalensis 〉 reducing temperature effect reached the lowest degree, which was only 0. 09℃ per day;And the amount of release water of Magnolia grandiflora only reached 505. 44 g/m2 per day;the reducing temperature and increasing humidity capacity was varied significantly for different species in the same road, also for the same species in different roads. The order of the reducing temperature effect of these 15 species were as follows: Cinnamomum glanduliferum (0. 22℃ ) 〉 Cinnamomum camphora (0. 21 ℃ ) 〉 Cinnamomurn pedunculatum (0. 157℃ ) 〉 Ligustrum quihoui (0. 15℃ ) 〉 Prunus cerasi f era (0. 14℃ ) 〉 Photinia serrulata (0. 13℃ ) 〉 Celtis kunmingensis (0. 12℃ ) 〉Gink go biloba (0. 118℃ ) 〉 Fatsia japonica (0. 11℃ ) 〉 Ficus concinna (0. 10℃ ) 〉 Hedera ne palensis (0. 09℃). However, the reducing temperature effect reached about 0. 09℃ among the Rhododendron simsii, Magnolia grandiflora, Camellia sasanqua and Camellia japonica, which had little difference. The order of the increasing humidity effects of these 15 species were as follows: Cinnamornum glanduliferum (1 195. 56 g/m2 ) 〉 Cinnamornum camphora (1 086. 39 g/m2 ) Prunus cerasi f era (749. 16 g/m2 ) 〉 Li gustrum quihoui (743. 31 g/ m2 ) 〉 Cinnamornum j a ponicum (726. 66 g/ m2 ) Photinia serrulata (698. 94 g/m2 ) 〉 Celtis kunmingensis (664. 56 g/m2 ) 〉 Fatsia japonica (623. 52 g/m2 ) 〉Ginkgo biloba(617. 58 g/m2 ) 〉Rhododendron simsii (586. 98 g/m2 ) 〉 Ficus concinna (580. 02 g/m2 ) 〉 Camellia sasanqua (539. 46 g/m2 ) 〉 Camellia japonica (524. 70 g/m2 ) 〉 Hedera nepalensis (506. 52 g/m2 ) 〉 Magnolia grandi flora (505. 44 g/m2 ). On the whole,the reducing temperature and increasing humidity capacity of these species were as follows: Evergreen trees〉Deciduous trees〉shrubs. In conclusion, the species with higher reducing temperature and increasing humidity capacity, such as evergreen trees, were maily supposed to choose, in order to beautify the environment and increase the reducing temperature and increasing humidity effect significantly.
Northern Horticulture
Kunrning city
road green space,greening tree species
reducing temperature and increasing air humidity