
公共部门跨职能团队协作系统:构建、演化与创新——基于青奥组委会和建邺国税情报团队的双案例研究 被引量:2

Public Sector Cross-Functional Team Collaboration System Construction,Evolution and Innovation——Cases study of Youth Olympic Organizing Committee(YOOC) and Jianye District IRS Information Team(JYIRSIT)
摘要 本研究以青奥组委会和南京市建邺区国税局情报管理团队为案例,对公共部门跨职能团队协作系统进行了实证研究,研究发现刚性结构型子系统与柔性关系型子系统的协调平衡推动公共部门跨职能团队协作系统构建,管理控制、知识共享与激励管理因素的互动协调构建了结构型协作子系统,组织层次的文化建设及个体层次的成员信任因素构建了关系型协作子系统,公共部门跨职能团队演化过程中各因素呈倒U型发展,管理控制因素始终处于主导地位,只有当团队进入发展期与成熟期时,团队才开始关注团队文化建设,行政层级越高的公共部门跨职能团队协作系统越关注文化建设。 Cross - functional teams in public sector carry political task and objectives. Sophisticated cross - functional team collaboration system has special significance for administrative innovation in China. As the case study of YOOC and JYIRSIT, it is found that public sector cross - functional team collaboration system is divided into structural and relational collaboration systems. Structural collaboration systems include management control, knowledge sharing and incentive management. Meanwhile, relational collaboration systems include culture con- struction and member trust. As the evolution of the public sector cross - functional team, every factor was test- ed by inverted U - shape, management control always occupies the dominant factor, and culture construction was only focused in the development and mature stage. This study attempts to make up the deficiency of theo- retical and empirical researches on public sector cross- functional team.
作者 秦晓蕾
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第7期83-89,共7页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 江苏省高校优势学科建设工程项目 南京师范大学国家"211工程"项目 江苏省高校哲社重点研究基地项目
关键词 公共部门跨职能团队 协作系统 演化创新 public sector cross - functional team, collaboration system, evolution innovation
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