
沪港通推进人民币国际化的路径分析与风险防范 被引量:9

Path Analysis and Risk Prevention on Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Promoting RMB Internationalization
摘要 沪港通是我国资本市场对外开放的重大创新实践,将促进两岸跨境资金流动,推动香港人民币离岸市场发展,进而助推人民币国际化。沪港通通过进一步开放资本项目,发展人民币离岸业务提高了人民币的交易清偿职能。通过倒逼利率汇率的市场化改革稳定人民币的储备货币职能。沪港通在渐进推进人民币国际化的过程中应注意防范汇率波动、资本单向流动与宏观经济波动等各种风险。本文分析了沪港通推进人民币国际化的路径与构建风险应对机制,进而维护金融稳定,稳步金融创新。 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect is a significant innovation practice of China's capital market opening up. It will promote cross-border capital flow and develop the offshore RMB market. Then, it promotes the process of RMB internatio-nalization effectively. S-H Stock Connect improves the RMB settlement trade function by opening capital projects further. It consolidates RMB reserve currency functions by reversed transmission of interest rate and exchange rate liberalization reform. S-H Stock Connect should guard against the risks. Such as currency fluctuation, one-way capital flow and fluctuate. We should analysis the path to RMB internationalization and build risk prevention mechanism. Thereby maintaining financial stability and innovating finance market steadily.
出处 《经济体制改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期143-148,共6页 Reform of Economic System
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"中国对外贸易的隐含碳测度研究"(11BGJ036) 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目"国际贸易与气候变化-我国对外贸易的环境效应评估"(10YJA790221) 上海市教育委员会科研创新项目"中国对外经济发展方式转变:基于贸易环境效应的研究"(13YS119)
关键词 沪港通 人民币国际化 路径分析 风险防范对策 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect RMB internationalization path analysis risk prevention mechanism
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