

United States' Perception of China's Peaceful Development in Last Decade
摘要 本文主要研究自2005年中国政府发布《中国的和平发展道路》白皮书美国决策层、学术界等对中国和平发展的认知。1基于一定的文献分析,力求就美国对中国和平发展的重要问题的认知进行研究。总体而言,十余年来,美国对中国的和平发展的认知态度经历了从怀疑到观望的转变,对中国和平发展的具体问题的了解也更为全面深刻。不过美国看到的往往是多维多面的中国,对华和平发展认知尚未定型,中美的相互交往与沟通将影响美国的对华和平发展的认知。 This paper studies the perception of American politicians, scholars on China's peaceful development using literature analysis. It was found out that in the past decade, the United States' perception of China's peaceful development has experienced a shift from suspicion to a wait- and-see attitude, and their perception of the specific problems of China's peaceful development has become more comprehensive and profound. The elites in the United States often perceive China in a multi-dimensional way. They have not yet been able to establish a whole set perception of China's peaceful development. However, it is taken for sure in this paper that the communications between China and the United States will affect the United States' perception of China's peaceful development.
作者 凌胜利
出处 《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期23-32,共10页 Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 中美关系 和平发展 认知 中国崛起 Sino-US relations peaceful development perception China's rise
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