
国际贸易理论——马克思经济学与西方经济学的比较 被引量:14

International Trade Theory:A Comparison of Marxist Economics with Western Economics
摘要 一百多年前,马克思以无产阶级世界观勾勒出科学的国际贸易理论的基本轮廓。与西方国际贸易理论不同,马克思国际贸易理论以世界市场上资本主义生产方式以及和它相适应的生产关系为研究对象,坚持逻辑和历史相统一的研究方法,阐明了资本主义国际贸易的动力、利益的来源、利益的分割、模式的决定、世界市场的作用、国际贸易政策的性质。历经百余年风雨的考验,马克思国际贸易理论始终展现出强大的生命力。随着中国"一带一路"建设的全面铺开,随着中国在国际贸易和世界市场中所起到的作用越来越突出,随着世界经济格局朝着多极化的方向不断发展,马克思国际贸易理论必将得到更多有力的实践验证,也必将展现出更加耀眼的科学光芒。 More than one hundred years ago,Marx drew the outline of scientific international trade theory with proletarian worldview.Differing with western international trade theory,the research objects of Marxist international trade theory are capitalist mode of production and corresponding relationship of production in the world market.When explaining international trade theory, Marx persisted in applying the research method of the unity of logic and history.Marx interpreted the motivation of the capitalistic international trade,the resource of trade interests,the segmentation of trade interests,the determination of trade mode,the effects of world market,and the essence of international trade policies.After the test of time and practice over one hundred years,Marxist international economics still exhibits great vitality of its own.With the advance of the construction of the "Belt and Road",with the more and more outstanding influence of China in international trade and world market,and with the world economy advancing toward multi-polarization,Marxist international economics will be strongly proved to be true by practice,and will consequently shine with light of science.
出处 《政治经济学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期118-136,共19页 China Review of Political Economy
关键词 国际贸易理论 马克思经济学 西方经济学 international trade theory Marxist economics western economics
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