
西非海域环境条件下FPSO运动及载荷响应特性研究 被引量:4

Investigation on wave-induced motion and load response performance of FPSO in Offshore West Africa
摘要 针对在西非海域作业的某多点系泊30万吨FPSO,研究西非海域特定环境条件下的双向风浪及涌浪的联合作用对该FPSO运动及载荷响应的影响。文中基于三维势流理论对FPSO运动响应进行数值分析,并与试验值幅值响应算子(RAO)对比。利用双Ochi-Hubble谱的短期预报,论述FPSO在双方向风浪及涌浪作用下的运动幅值、加速度及载荷响应;论述涌浪方向对运动及载荷响应的影响,并考虑涌浪周期敏感性的影响,对FPSO运动加速度、幅值、波浪弯矩、波浪剪力进行数值分析;总结了FPSO在双方向风浪及涌浪作用下运动及载荷响应根据浪向的变化特点,以及FPSO波浪载荷受风浪和涌浪周期敏感性影响的特点,为西非FPSO后续的结构设计提供参考。 The investigation on wave-induced motion and load response is conducted for a multi-point moored 3 00 000 t FPSO in bi-directional wind-sea and swell Offshore West Africa (WOA). It carries out the numerical analysis of the motion response of FPSO by the 3D potential theory and compares with the tested RAO. By the two Ochi-Hubble wave spectrums for a short-term forecasting, this paper discusses the motion amplitude, acceleration and load responses of FPSO in the bi-directional wind-sea and swell, and numerically analyzes motion acceleration, amplitude, wave bending moment and wave shearing force of FPSO with consideration of the influence of the swell direction and sensitivity of swell period. It summarizes the characteristics of motion and load responses of FPSO in the bi-directional wind-sea and swell with varied wave direction and its reaction to the sensitivity of swell period, which can provide references for the further structural design of FPSO in WOA.
作者 杨玥 王璞
出处 《船舶》 2015年第3期21-27,共7页 Ship & Boat
关键词 西非海域 双方向风浪及涌浪 运动及载荷响应 敏感性分析 Offshore West Africa bi-directional wind-sea and swell motion and load response sensitivity analysis
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