
基于微信公众平台的文献定制服务 被引量:1

A customized literature service based on We Chat public platform
摘要 文献学习是科研人员跟踪领域进展,思考课题发展的必要途径。为了解决移动端跟踪文献的繁琐问题,本文借助移动互联网即时性、便捷性、个性化等特性,开发了基于微信公众平台的文献定制服务。该服务通过解析用户输入,动态匹配自构建的期刊名表,索引Pub Med数据库,实现期刊个性化订阅、文献查询、影响因子查询等便捷功能。对于提高科研人员的文献学习效率,降低追踪文献的时间成本具有较大的价值。 Literature study is a necessary way for tracking progress in a certain research field and conceiving the project development. In order to solve the onerous literature-tracking problem in a mobile terminal,we developed a Pub Med Customized Retrieving system( PCR) on We Chat Public Platform with the features of immediacy,convenience and personalization of the mobile internet. The service provides several convenient features such as literature customization,literature querying and Impact Factor( IF) Querying by parsing input,matching built-in journals name table dynamically and retrieving Pub Med database. This work helps to improve the literature learning efficiency and reduce the time cost for researchers.
出处 《生物信息学》 2015年第2期120-124,共5页 Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31401141 31371345) 蛋白质组学国家重点实验室优秀青年课题(SKLP-Y201303)
关键词 微信公众平台 影响因子查询 文本挖掘 期刊定制 文献查询 We Chat Public Platform IF Search Text Mining Journal Customization Literature Querying
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