

The Literary Interpretation of the Dreams in Pin Hua Bao Jian
摘要 《品花宝鉴》是清代作家陈森创作的一部以京城梨园名旦生活为题材,以书生梅子玉和名旦杜琴言(男性)的同性恋情为主线的狎邪小说。作为我国古代文学史上第一部以同性恋为主题的长篇小说,因其内容的敏感性,对于《品花宝鉴》的研究在进入21世纪以后才丰富起来。目前学界的研究多集中在作者生平和成书时间、同性恋情的界定、性别研究、小说的创作艺术和戏曲研究等方面,大多倾向于宏观分析,而少见从文学的角度对小说文本细节描写进行的阐释。《品花宝鉴》的关键情节处常伴随着梦境的出现,作者把梦境营建为与现实既联系又对立的另一个开放的表现空间,是小说主人公梅子玉及杜琴言相知、相识和相爱的补充和拓展。由于梦境与现实之间的虚实张力,小说的戏剧性冲突在这一空间表现得愈加激烈,作者的创作情绪和创作主旨也在此得到张扬。梦境在故事情节的推动、人物形象的塑造、创作主旨的深化等方面起到了十分重要的作用,但也还存在一定的弊端。 Pin Hua Bao Jian is a pornographic novel,written by Chen Sen in Qing Dynasty,which focused on famous Beijing Opera actor's life and the homosexual love between Mei Ziyu(a young scholar) and Du Qinyan(a famous actor). As the first novel about homosexuality in ancient Chinese literature history,Pin Hua Bao Jian did not acquire much research attention until the twenty-first century because of the sensitivity of its content. At present,academic researches on the novel are mostly at the macro level,concentrating on the author's biography,finished time of the book,definition of homosexual relationship,gender studies,and the art of literature creation and drama research. And few attentions have been paid to the description of details from the perspective of literature. The author of the present paper finds out that the key plots of the novel are often associated with dreams,which we believe the writer built as another open space connecting and opposing reality,and as supplements in developing the plot of the meeting and loving between the protagonists Mei Ziyu and Du Qinyan. Due to the difference between dreams and realities,the dramatic conflicts of the novel were presented in a more fierce style in this space,and the author's mood and intention of creating the novel were also publicized. Therefore,dreams played a very important role in the development of the story,in shaping the image of characters,and in deepening the theme in spite of certain disadvantages.
作者 杨帆
出处 《西南石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第4期118-124,共7页 Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 《品花宝鉴》 梦境 同性恋 狎邪小说 梨园名旦 Pin Hua Bao Jian dreams homosexuality pornographic novels well-known actress in the operatic circle
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