
基于DBSCAN算法的城市交通拥堵区域发现 被引量:10

Discovery of Heavy Traffic Areas based on DBSCAN Algorithm
摘要 现阶段我国车辆的数目不断增加,这必然会导致现有的交通条件等不再能够满足现在的交通状况。因时空数据蕴含丰富的信息,本文将通过分析车辆的时空轨迹数据,即GPS轨迹数据,并利用DBSCAN算法挖掘出城市中交通最拥堵的城市区域,再将得到的结果映射到城市路网上,使得相关部门能够清楚地了解问题,并制定一系列相应措施,如调整道路规划等,保证该区域的问题能够迅速得到解决。本文的实验结果清晰地标明了城市中具体的拥堵区域,本文下一步将根据城市拥堵区域的发现结果预测区域的下一次拥堵的时间。 At present,the number of vehicles is increasing in our country. This will inevitably cause that the existing road and so on would no longer able to meet the current traffic conditions. Because the spatio- temporal data contain rich information,this paper will analyze the GPS data of the vehicle. This paper will mining the heaviest traffic congestion areas in a city by using the DBSCAN algorithm,and the mining result will be mapped to the city road network so that the relevant departments can clearly understand where the problems are. The departments also can develop a series of measures to solve those problems,such as adjusting the road planning and so on. This will ensure that the problems can be resolved quickly,and the experiment results of this paper clearly indicate the specific congestion areas in a city. The next work is the time prediction of congestion areas.
出处 《智能计算机与应用》 2015年第3期69-71,共3页 Intelligent Computer and Applications
关键词 DBSCAN算法 时空轨迹数据 城市拥堵区域 DBSCAN Algorithm Spatio-temporal Data Heavy Traffic Area
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