Based on the investigation of households in Changji autonomous prefecture of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, empirical analysis on the affecting factors of farmers behavior for the purchase agricultural machinery of subsidies based on the Probit model is researched. The purpose is to explore the age, gender, income, and agricultural machinery operation ex- perience, to participate in the cooperatives, financing etc., and to the impact of farmer's behavior for the purchase agricul- tural machinery of subsidies. The results found that farmers for agricultural machinery purchase subsidy positive factors in- clude, physical condition, cuhural level, family net income of farmers, agricultural production scale, using the experience of agricultural machinery, the cognition of subsidies, and farmers financing ease; It has positive effect on farmers farm machin- ery subsidy funds for the influence of factors including, including farmers health, farmers cuhural level, family income, agri- cultural production scale, the cognition of subsidies and farmers financing; Farm machinery subsidy policy has a positive ef- fect on peasant household purchases induced effect factors include, farmers health and agricultural production. In addition, from the perspective of farmers' satisfaction, the authors concluded that the factors which affect farmer's subsidies for agri- cultural machinery job satisfaction, farm machinery quality had the greatest influence on farmers" physical condition and the agricultural production scale.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences