

User Similarity Calculation Based on Location for Social Network Services
摘要 为了进一步改进基于位置的社交网络服务中用户的相似性计算,提出一种有效的使用位置语义计算用户相似性的新方法。该方法通过位置语义来准确地获取用户的意图以及兴趣爱好,并且能够根据层次位置类别计算出不同位置用户的相似性。通过实验验证,表明该方法优于传统的用户相似性计算方法。 In order to further improve user similarity calculation based on social network service,this paper proposes a new effective method to calculate the user similarity using the semantics of the location. The method can obtain the user's intentions and interests accurately,and calculates the user similarity according to different level position category. Experimental results verify that this method is superior to the traditional user similarity method.
作者 魏静
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2015年第7期9-14,共6页 Computer and Modernization
关键词 用户相似性 社交网络 基于位置的服务 user similarity social networking services based on location
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