
不同状态焦虑水平下跆拳道运动员视觉搜索效率研究 被引量:6

Visual search efficiency of taekwondo athletes under various status anxiety levels
摘要 探讨不同状态焦虑水平下跆拳道运动员视觉搜索效率。被试为60名跆拳道运动员,通过情绪诱发程序,以威胁性和中性图片为刺激材料,分别对不同状态焦虑水平下跆拳道运动员的视觉搜索反应时和反应正确率进行考察。结果发现:高状态焦虑被试的视觉搜索反应时长于低状态焦虑被试;高状态焦虑被试的反应正确率低于低状态焦虑被试;在有威胁刺激条件下的反应时长于无威胁刺激条件下的反应时;高状态焦虑条件下,男性被试的反应时要长于女性被试。 In order to discuss the efficiency of visual search of taekwondo athletes with different status anxiety levels,this article has selected 60 taekwondo athletes as the testees and taken threatening and neutral pictures as the stimulus material so as to respectively conduct investigations on the visual search reaction time and accuracy of taekwondo athletes at different anxiety levels through emotion induction programs. The results show that the visual search reaction time of individuals with high status anxieties is longer than that with low status anxieties; the reaction accuracy of individuals of high status anxieties is lower than that with low status anxieties; and the reaction time under threatening stimuli is longer than that under no conditions of threatening stimuli. In addition,under the condition of high status anxiety the male's reaction time is longer than the female's,and there is no significant gender difference in the aspects of both the visual search reaction time and reaction accuracy among the testees.
出处 《山东体育科技》 2015年第3期76-79,共4页 Shandong Sports Science & Technology
关键词 状态焦虑 跆拳道 威胁刺激 视觉搜索 性别 status stimuli taekwondo threatening stimuli visual search gender
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