研究蕾期调亏灌溉对海岛棉生物量、氮素累积分配特征及产量的影响,可为海岛棉水氮高效利用和高产栽培提供理论依据。以‘新海24号’和‘新海35号’为材料,设置重度调亏(蕾期滴灌定额为0 m3·hm-2,生长期总灌溉定额为2 850 m3·hm-2)、轻度调亏(蕾期滴灌定额为900 m3·hm-2,生长期总灌溉定额为3 750 m3·hm-2)、丰水(蕾期滴灌定额为1 800 m3·hm-2,生长期总灌溉定额为4 650 m3·hm-2),对不同品种不同灌溉处理的生物量和氮素累积分配进行调查。结果表明,滴灌定额间,重度调亏处理地上部生物量最大累积速率出现时间较轻度调亏和丰水处理提前3 d和7 d,最大累积速率降低45.1%和51.0%;生物量快速增长持续期表现为重度调亏<轻度调亏<丰水;重度调亏处理的氮素累积最大速率出现时间分别比轻度调亏和丰水处理平均提前8 d、15 d,氮素最大累积速率表现为轻度调亏>丰水>重度调亏。重度调亏处理茎和叶的氮素分配比例与轻度调亏、丰水处理差异显著,而轻度调亏与丰水处理之间差异不明显。盛蕾期以后,蕾/花/铃的氮素累积量均以轻度调亏处理较高。皮棉产量以轻度调亏处理最高,可达2 372.9 kg·hm-2,比丰水、重度调亏处理分别平均高11.0%和41.8%。品种间,‘新海24号’的地上部生物量及氮素的最大累积速率出现时间较早,生物量及氮素的累积速率较大,皮棉产量较高。因此,轻度调亏(蕾期滴灌定额为900 m3·hm-2)下,海岛棉地上部生物量及氮素累积特征值较协调,各器官分配比例较合理,使皮棉产量较高。
Water is one of the main limiting factors of crop yield in southern Xinjiang. Water not only affects the accumulation of biomass, but also farm operations and crop nitrogen uptake. There have been several studies on the interactions among water, nitrogen and other farm/crop attributes. However, few studies have investigated the accumulation and distribution characteristics of biomass and nitrogen in island cotton under regulated deficit irrigation. Thus a field experiment was conducted to study the effects of regulated deficit irrigation at budding stage on the accumulation and distribution characteristics of biomass and nitrogen, and yield of island cotton. The aim of the study was to show the regularity of nutrient migration in island cotton under regulated deficit irrigation and to provide theoretical basis for efficient utilization of water and nitrogen in order to promote the cultivation of high-yield island cotton. The experiment was set up as a split plot design with two varieties(‘Xinhai24' and ‘Xinhai35', sub-area) of cotton and three drip irrigation quotas [severe deficit irrigation(with 0 m^3·hm^-2 irrigation at budding stage and 2 850 m^3·hm^-2 irrigation during growth period), mild deficit irrigation(with 900 m^3·hm^-2 irrigation at budding stage and 3 750 m^3·hm^-2 irrigation during growth period), and abundant irrigation(with 1 800 m^3·hm^-2 irrigation at budding stage and 4 650 m^3·hm^-2 irrigation during growth period). The results showed that maximum aboveground biomass accumulation rate under severe deficit irrigation occurred 3 d and 7 d earlier than under mild deficit irrigation and abundant irrigation, with the maximum accumulation rates lower by 45.1% and 51.0%, respectively. Duration of rapid increase of biomass under different treatments ranked as severe deficit irrigation mild deficit irrigation abundant irrigation. Maximum nitrogen accumulation rate under severe deficit irrigation respectively occurred 8 d and 15 d earlier than that under mild deficit irrigation and abundant irrigation. Maximum accumulation rate of nitrogen was highest under mild deficit irrigation, followed by abundant irrigation and then severe deficit irrigation. There were significant difference in proportion of nitrogen distribution in stems and leaves among severe deficit irrigation, mild deficit irrigation and abundant irrigation. However, nitrogen distributions in stems and leaves were similar under mild deficit irrigation and abundant irrigation. Mean bud, flower and boll nitrogen accumulation under mild deficit irrigation was highest after full budding stage. Lint yield under mild deficit irrigation was highest(average of 2 372.9 kg·hm^-2), 11.0% higher than that under abundant irrigation and 41.8% higher than that under severe deficit irrigation. Maximum aboveground biomass and maximum nitrogen accumulation rate occurred earlier for ‘Xinhai24' than for ‘Xinhai35'. As aboveground biomass and nitrogen accumulation rates were larger, lint yield was higher for ‘Xinhai24' than for ‘Xinhai35'. The results showed a good correlation between the eigenvalues of biomass and nitrogen accumulation of island cotton under mild regulated deficit irrigation(drip irrigation quota of 900 m^3·hm^-2 at budding stage). Under this irrigation quota, the distribution proportions in various organs of cotton were reasonable and lint yield high. Lint yield of ‘Xinhai24' was 2 488.2 kg·hm^-2 and that of ‘Xinhai24' was 2 257.6 kg·hm^-2. Thus drip irrigation quota of 900 m^3·hm^-2 at budding stage was recommended as appropriate irrigation scheme for potential high increase of yield of island cotton.
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
Regulated deficit irrigation
Drip irrigation
Island cotton
Full budding stage
Biomass accumulation
Nitrogen accumulation
Lint yield