
幽默驱动下求职面试成功的会话活动类型分析——以一次真实求职面试为例 被引量:1

An Activity Type Analysis into the Role of Humor in Job Interviews
摘要 借重会话活动类型分析框架,依托一次真实的求职面试为案例,本文分七个层面探究在其他条件相当的前提下,幽默在求职面试中的应用与功能。研究表明,幽默作为会话策略,可使应聘者巧妙回应招聘者的语言和非语言手段,操控语用参数,继而改变应聘者与招聘者间相距悬殊的权势关系,转换话语角色,觅得对话轮与话题的掌控,智用会话合作原则与礼貌原则,以恰切的方式满足会话活动参与双方的交际目标,最终提升成功求职的可能性。同时,该案例分析也可对会话活动类型分析框架进行一定增补。 In light of activity type, this paper investigates from seven levels how humor works and functions in a successful job interview. It has been found that humor, as an important conversational strategy, helps the applicamt to cope with the employ- ers' verbal and nonverbal means, manipulates the pragmatic parameters, alters the predominant imbalance of power between the applicants and the employers, and changes their speech roles, so as to take over the turn-taking and topic control, adheres to the Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle in a pleasant way, and meets the goals of the participants on both sides, as a result, bringing out more possibilities for the desired job. In addition, the case analysis can supplement the activity type.
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期18-22,共5页 Foreign Language Education
基金 国家社科基金项目"语用学视角下的戏剧文体研究"(项目编号:12BYY133)的阶段性成果
关键词 幽默 求职面试 会话活动类型 humor job interview activity type
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