目的通过检测大肠癌标本的血管生成素-2(ANG-2)mRNA的表达,并进行微淋巴管计数,探讨ANG-2mRNA的表达与微淋巴管密度(MLVD)的关系,推断其在犬肠癌微淋巴管生成中的作用。方法应用RT-PCR检测癌组织、良性病变及手术切缘正常组织的ANG-2mRNA的表达;应用免疫组化技术,以LYvE.1标记微淋巴管并计数。结果ANG-2mRNA在癌组织内阳性表达64.O%,良性病变内阳性表达8.3%,手术切缘正常组织内阳性表达7.5%。ANG.2mRNA表达阳性的癌旁MLVD比阴性高(P〈0.01),且ANG-2mRNA的表达水平与癌旁MLVD存在相关性(P〈0.05,r=0.493)。癌旁MLVD及手术切缘正常组织MLfVD比癌组织高(P〈0.01),且癌旁MLVD比手术切缘正常组织MLVD高(P〈0.01)。Duke’s A、B期的癌旁MLVD较C、D期低;有淋巴结转移的癌旁MLVD比无淋巴结转移的癌旁MLVD高(P〈0.05)。结论ANG.2mRNA在大肠腺癌组织内有高表达并与癌旁MLVD的表达水平密切相关。
Objective Expression of angiopoietin-2mRNA was detected and microlymphatic vessel density ( MLVD ) was counted in CRC, then investigated correlation of the expression of ANG-2mRNA with MLVD in order to deduce relation of ANG-2 with lymphangiogenesis in CRC indirectly. Methods RT-PCR was applied to detect expression level of ANG-2mRNA in cancer tissue, benign tissue and normal surgical margin tissue, and MLVD marked by LYVE-1 was counted by morphometric. Results ( 1 ) In all samples, positive rates of ANG-2mRNA in CRC's cancer tissue, benign tissue and normal surgical margin tissue were ( 32/50 ) , ( 1/12 ) and ( 3/50 ) respectively. ( 2 ) There were 32 samples that ANG-2mRNA were positive, and among these samples peritumoral MLVD was higher than that in negative group ( P〈0.01 ) ; there were a correlation between ANG-2mRNA expression level and peritumoral MLVD ( P〈0.05, r=0.493 ) . ( 4 ) MLVD of peritumoral and normal surgeral margin's were higher than intratumoral MLVD ( P〈0.01 ) , peritumoral MLVD was higher than normal surgeral margin's MLVD additional ( P〈0.01 ) . ( 5 ) level of peritumoral MLVD in Duke's A-B stages was lower than C-D stages of CRC ( P〈0.05 ) ; MLVD with lymphatic metastasis was higher than without lymphatic metastasis ( P〈0.05 ) .Conclusions ANG-2 was high expressed in CRC, ANG-2 expression levels have closely relation with peritumoral MLVD.
Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal