在基于射频识别的室内定位LANDMARC算法中,由于待定位标签的定位精度受到参考标签的选择的影响,参考标签之间的信号会产生相互的干扰,所以就采用一种分别选择不同坐标轴上的参考标签的方法来减小参考标签间产生的信号的干扰,同时还可以提高待定位标签的定位精度。在一个13 m*10 m的房间中每隔1 m布置一个参考标签,在房间四角布置上4个读写器。经过多次实验,最终得出结论,使用改进后的LANDMARC算法比原来经典的LANDMARC算法的精确度提升了10%左右,且算法复杂度降低。
Reference to indoor location LANDMARC algorithm based on RFID,beeause the positioning accuracy of the label to be positioned influenced the choice of the reference label,signal between the reference label will produce mutual interference, so we were selected reference label different axes to reduce interference between the reference signal generated by the label, also can improve the positioning accuracy of the label to be positioned.Arrange a reference label every 1 m in a 13 m*10 m room,four comers of the room furnished four reader.After several experiments, ultimately concluded,the improved LANDMARC algorithm improved about 10% accuracy than classic LANDMARC algorithm,and reduce the complexity of the algorithm .
Electronic Design Engineering