
论文化定义过程的追求普遍性倾向及其问题 被引量:3

On Tendency of Pursuing Universality in the Process of Culture's Definition
摘要 在界定文化乃至在进行文化研究和文化哲学研究的时候,绝大多数研究者并没有认真关注并正确解决下列问题,即在对文化进行定义的时候必须追求普遍性吗?如果这样的必要性确实存在,究竟应当如何看待这种追求普遍性的倾向?这样的追求究竟具有哪些问题,这样的问题又会产生哪些影响?这种盲目状况不仅导致了文化定义因为实际上的大而无当而既缺乏现实针对性,又缺乏理论解释力,只能流于貌似宏大叙事的就事论事,同时也导致研究者在界定文化、进而建构相应的理论体系的时候的进退维谷状态,即只要研究者坚持学术研究的严格性和严肃性,文化研究和文化哲学研究便会由于宏大叙事而难以深入推进,而不坚持这样的严格性和严肃性,又往往会使文化研究和文化哲学研究丧失其意义和价值。有鉴于此,本文充分强调研究者必须充分重视文化定义过程的追求普遍性的基本倾向,通过进行哲学上的、彻底的批判反思,来扬弃这种模仿自然科学研究的传统,即追求绝对普遍有效性的基本倾向,进而通过对这种追求普遍性的基本倾向进行严格的学术定位,以达到彻底突破和克服上述不良状况,使文化研究和文化哲学研究的结论更具有现实针对性和理论解释力的目的。 Most of researchers,when they define culture or do the researches of culture and the Philosophy of culture,do not pay serious attention to the following question and solve it rightly neither,that is,must this kind of researcher pursue the universality of definition necessarily or not? It seems to me that if this necessity does exist,then how should we treat this tendency of pursuing universality in humanities? How many problems may be caused by this tendency,and how many pernicious influences may be caused by these problems?In fact,this kind of blindness not only leads to the definition of culture's shortage of both practical relevance and the power of theoretical explanation,makes this definition as a big and useless narrative,but creates many difficulties to get the researcher in a dilemma. So if he adheres to the academic seriousness and rigor,he may not push forward this research prosperously,and if he does not adhere to the seriousness and rigor,the studies of culture and philosophy of culture would be useless. So we emphasis sufficiently that the researcher must pay great attention to this tendency of pursuing universality in defining culture,sublate its imitation of natural science studies pursuing absolute universality through thorough philosophical reflection,and so break through this kind of blindness by locating strictly the tendency of pursuing universality for enhancing both the practical relevance and the power of theoretical explanation of studies of culture and philosophy of culture.
作者 霍桂桓
出处 《华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期11-18,共8页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 中国社会科学院哲学研究所<文化发展的理论与现实问题研究>创新项目的子项目"文化基础理论研究"的2014年结项性成果
关键词 文化定义 普遍性追求 唯理智主义研究传统 心理惰性 definition of culture intellectualist tradition mental inertia academic location
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