
多效唑和海藻肥对不同品质类型花生产量和品质的影响 被引量:13

Effects of foliar application of paclobutrazol and seaweed fertilizer on yield and quality of peanut types
摘要 为改进花生高产优质生产技术,选用花生高蛋白品系KB008、高脂肪品种花17(简称H17)和高油酸/亚油酸品种农大818(简称818),在大田栽培条件下研究了叶面喷施多效唑(PBZ)和海藻肥(SM6)以及两者配施对不同品质类型花生产量、品质的影响。结果表明:单独喷施多效唑能显著增加3个品种荚果产量,原因是显著增加了单株结果数和单株果重,但降低了3个品种的出仁率和蛋白质含量,降低了H17和818的O/L值。单独喷施SM6对H17和818的荚果产量影响较小,但能显著增加KB008的单株结果数和荚果产量。SM6能显著提高不同品种花生的出仁率、蛋白质和脂肪含量以及O/L值。PBZ与SM6适当配施能显著提高不同品质类型花生的荚果产量、公顷蛋白产量和脂肪产量,增产的同时改善品质。 For high yield and quality of peanut,field experiments were conducted in 2012 and 2013 to study the effects of paclobutrazol(PBZ)and seaweed fertilizer(SM6)on peanut. 3 cultivars KB008(high protein), Hua 17(H17,high oil),and Nongda 818(818,high O/ L)were used as materials. Results showed that PBZ treatment significantly increased pod yield by improving pod number and pod weight per plant. But PBZ reduced kernel rate and protein content,and decreased O/ L of Hua17 and Nongda 818. SM6 treatment had little effect on pod yield of Hua 17 and Nongda 818,but significantly improved pod number and pod yield of KB008. SM6 signifi-cantly improved kernel rate,protein content,oil content and O/ L of the 3 cultivars. PBZ and SM6 combined appli-cation could significantly improve pod yield and kernel quality of 3 different types of peanut.
出处 《中国油料作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期322-328,共7页 Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(31171496) 十二五国家科技计划(2014BAD11B04) 山东省现代花生产业技术体系 山东省农业重大应用技术创新课题
关键词 花生 品质类型 多效唑 海藻肥 产量 Peanut Quality type Paclobutrazol Seaweed Fertilizer Yield
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