目的研究KIR2DL3/HLA-C1基因组合与丙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis C virus,HCV)清除的相关性。方法本研究对随机抽取的无血缘关系的40个健康成人(中国汉族)外周血样本进行了KIR及HLA-Cw基因分型,并分析了与HCV清除相关的KIR2DL3/HLA-C1基因组合的分布情况。结果 40例样本中HLA-Cw位点HLA-C1基因出现频率较HLA-C2高,且HLA-C1C1出现的频率较HLA-C1C2高;KIR基因型中,以3DL1、2DL1、2DL3、2DL4、3DL2、3DL3、2DP1、3DP1、2DS4出现频率较高,而3DS1、2DS1、2DS2、2DS3、2DS5、2DL2、2DL5出现频率较低;KIR2DL3+/HLA-C1C1例数较KIR2DL2+/HLA-C1C1多。综合分析发现,KIR2DL3+/HLA-C1基因型组合以KIR2DL3-2DL3/HLA-C1C1者较多,占总样本数52.5%。结论以本研究为基础,可进一步研究KIR2DL3/HLA-C1基因型组合与NK细胞体外抑制HCV活性的相关性,探讨HLA-Cw基因型为C1C1的个体中,KIR 2DL3-2DL3个体的NK细胞是否较2DL2-2DL2个体以及2DL3-2DL2个体的NK细胞具有更强的抑制HCV活性的作用,为丙型肝炎的免疫治疗及疫苗研制提供依据。
Objective To study the relationship between KIR2DL3/HLA-C1 and the clearance of Hepatitis C virus ( HCV) . Methods We detected the KIR and HLA-Cw genotyping with the peripheral blood from 40 healthy adults who were ran-dom sampled. Results The results shows that the frequency of group 1 of HLA-C(HLA-C1)is higher than the frequency of group 2 of HLA-C(HLA-C2),and the frequency of individuals with two copies of HLA-C1 alleles(HLA-C1C1)is higher than HLA-C1C2 and HLA-C2C2. The frequency of 3DL1、2DL1、2DL3、2DL4、3DL2、3DL3、2DP1、3DP1、2DS4 is higher than 3DS1、2DS1、2DS2、2DS3、2DS5、2DL2、2DL5. The number of individuals who with KIR2DL3+/HLA-C1C1 is much more than individuals who with KIR2DL2+/HLA-C1C1. With the outcomes of the genotyping,we can see that,KIR 2DL3 -2DL3/HLA-C1C1 is the most common combination of KIR2DL3+/HLA-C1. Conclusion We can study the correlation of the KIR2DL3/HLA-C1 with the inhibition of NK(Natural killer,NK)cells to HCV in vitro. Whether the NK cells which KIR genotyping is 2DL3-2DL3 have more significant inhibitory effect to that is 2DL3-2DL2 or 2DL2-2DL2 can also based on this study. Such research can offer new basis to the re-search of immunological therapy and vaccine to hepatitis C.
Sichuan Medical Journal