
基于城市“集体记忆”的小城镇文化发展策略研究——以东莞市水乡特色发展经济区为例 被引量:1

The small town cultural development strategy research based on the "collective memory" :Take the Waterside Special Economic Zone of Dongguan City as an example.
摘要 在快速城镇化过程中,由于过度追求经济增长和物质空间的丰富,人们与城市的"集体记忆"往往被规划师大手笔的蓝图所阻隔。"集体记忆"作为一种人类集体创造和共有的意识可以被看作是地方文化的直接体现。大城市通常被认为是经济、政治、文化的中心,然而小城镇作为城市与乡村之间的"灰色区域",更能承载人们心中的"乡愁"。东莞多年来一直被称为"世界工厂",而如今面临从工业城市向生态宜居型城市转型。本文通过理论研究和实地调研,探索东莞水乡片区的"集体记忆",得出"龙舟"为其最主要记忆载体,并提出"龙舟"作为其城市名片的多方发展策略。其次发现东莞众多的外来人口对文化的冷漠和缺乏归属感的问题突出,建议通过鼓励地方企业加强文化设施投入达到加速打工人群融入地方生活的目的。最后针对水乡片区各小城镇文化资源重复开发的现象,建议完善小城镇文化联动体系,推广如"一镇一词"的统筹规划。东莞案例的研究为全国此类其他小城镇文化发展策略提供了基础研究和经验借鉴。 In the rapid urbanization process, due to the excessive pursuit oi economic growth physical space, the "collective memory" of a city is often blocked by the improper blueprint of planners. The "collec- tive memory" is a kind of collective creation and common sense of a group which can be regarded as the direct embodi- ment of local culture. The big city is generally considered as the center of the economy, politics, and culture. Howev- er, as the "gray area" between urban and rural area, small towns are more capable of carrying the sense of "nostalgi- a" among individuals. Dongguan has been known as the "world factory" for years, and it is now facing the transition from an industrial city to ecological and livable city. Through theoretical study and field research, the "collective mem- ory" of the Waterside Special Economic Zone of Dongguan City is found, which is known as "dragon boat". Develop- ment strategies of different aspects of "dragon boat" are given to make it a city brand. Additionally, the apathy of local culture and lacking of belongings of migrants in Dongguan are found to be a huge issue. As a result, encouraging local enterprises to strengthen cultural infrastructure investment is suggested to accelerate migrants' integration into the local life. Finally, to avoid the repeated development of culture resource in Waterside Area, cultural linkage system among small towns should be built and overall planning such as "one town one word" is recommended. The case of Dongguan could provide a basis for the cultural development strategy research of other small towns.
出处 《福建建筑》 2015年第6期39-41,50,共4页 Fujian Architecture & Construction
关键词 小城镇文化发展策略 集体记忆 乡愁 地方特色 东莞水乡 Cuhural development strategy of small towns collective memory Nostalgia Local features Waterside Areaof Dongguan City
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