with the continuous development of social economy in our country, water conservancy project construction is also developing rapidly. Water conservancy project plays an important role in promoting the economic development of our country. In order to achieve the construction of water conservancy project design of water conservancy project It's perfection itself.,so it is very important. The development of electronic information is more and more quickly,even in the construction of water conservancy projects can be used to the electronic products. Such as CAD graphics technology.Traditional mapping techniques are generally painted, however,in the construction of water conservancy project,design of large quantity,wide,content with, if the use of hand drawing,will spend a lot of time and energy to complete a water conservancy project design. Application of CAD mapping technology to water conservancy projects, not only saves a lot of time, but also the design plan to achieve perfection,reduce errors,promote the construction of water conservancy projects faster.
Equipment Manufacturing Technology
water conservancy project
CAD mapping
technology application