

Capital Accumulation,Technology Assimilation and Efficiency Improvement:A Study on the Nature of China's Economic Growth Efficiency
摘要 基于近年来的经济增长经验分析我国经济增长奇迹的效率性质。利用Malmquist指数方法对我国2000~2010年省际经济增长进行效率分解核算,并对效率指标与增长指标进行回归分析。结果表明效率改进对经济增长贡献率极低且以技术进步为主,同时经济效率以及技术进步都随经济增长而逐步显著提高,而技术效率则未能改变水平极低的状态。说明我国经济增长过程同时表现出"资本积累"与"技术消化"的双重特征,其政策启示在于加快市场制度建设是经济增长可持续的关键。 Based on the experiences of China's economic growth, the article analyzed the nature of this miracle. Employing Malmquist index, the efficiency improvement of 31 provinces in China's Mainland were decomposed and econometrically analyzed through examining the data of the eco-nomic growth of these places from 2000 to 2010. A regression analysis was also done on the efficiency index and the growth index. The results show that the contribution of efficiency enhancement to economic growth were at a significantly low level and technology progress played a major role;economic efficiency and technology progress presented a significantly improved tendency along with economic growth, while technology efficiency kept a rather low level without changing its state within the process. All these findings imply that China's economic growth possesses the character-istics of both capital accumulation and technology assimilation. Therefore, it brings us the policy enlightenment that accelerating the construction of market system should be the key point of sustainable development.
作者 陈纪平
出处 《当代经济管理》 CSSCI 2015年第9期1-5,共5页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 国家社会科学基金年度项目(13BGL097) 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目(12YJC790009)
关键词 中国经济增长 资本积累 技术消化 效率改进 China's economic growth capital accumulation technology assimilation efficiency improvement
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