

Phenomena and Strategies of the Five-year-course Preschool Normal Students' Anomie Behavior
摘要 近年来,幼儿教师的职业道德与从业底线表现出来的问题越来越明显,屡屡遭到来自社会、家庭等各方面的批评与指责。通过调查发现,当前五年制幼儿师范学校的幼师生们在言行举止方面的失范现象较为普遍,本文着重于找出幼儿师范生存在的失范行为,弄清产生这种现象的原因,并提出解决的措施。 In resent years, the problems of preschool teachers' vocational morality and baseline became more and more obvious. They of-ten suffer the criticism and blame which come from the society and family. Through the survey, we found that the phenomenon of behavior anomie existed in five-year-course preschool normal school students is common. This paper focuses on finding out the anomie behavior, figures out the reason for this phenomenon and puts forward some countermeasures.
作者 王优
出处 《齐齐哈尔师范高等专科学校学报》 2015年第3期33-34,共2页 Journal of Qiqihar Junior Teachers College
基金 徐州市教育科学"十二五"规划课题研究成果(GH12-11-L215)
关键词 五年制 幼师生 失范行为 教育控制 five-year-course preschool normal students anomie behavior education control
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