
当代文学的新疆体验书写 被引量:2

Writing Experience of Xinjiang in Contemporary Chinese Literature
摘要 当代作家的新疆体验书写在中国当代文学中占据较为重要的位置。闻捷、碧野、郭小川等人的新疆体验书写主要是对民族国家共同体的想象性认同和对边疆风情的风景化展示。王蒙等人的新疆体验书写重在发掘支撑民间社会的生命温情,新边塞诗派、新疆军旅小说则彰显新疆大地的生命雄风和开拓精神,建构新时代的精神高地,他们共同为国家重启现代性工程寻找边疆的精神资源。张承志开创了当代作家的新疆体验书写的内在化、主体化之路,由此,追寻新疆大地的诗意和神性成为周涛、红柯、刘亮程等后来者的普遍取向。整体看来,当代作家的新疆体验书写存在这样的历史与逻辑脉络:从对国家主流意识形态的积极迎合到对其有限疏离,从对现代性的无比憧憬到对其适度拒斥,从对新疆的风景化观照到对其内在主体性的发现。这种书写最大的文化建设意义,就在于为当代文学乃至当代中国社会输送了迥异于内地以汉族文化为中心的异质文化经验。 Works by contemporary Chinese writers about their life and experiences in Xinjiang constitute an important part in contemporary Chinese literature. Such works as written by Wenjie (闻捷), B iye (碧野) and Guo Xiaochuan (郭小川), etc., focus on representing the area as a land of poetic scenery and a culturally integral part of the Chinese nation; those by Wang Meng (王蒙) and Zhang Xianliang(张贤亮), on the other hand, focus on revealing the love and care among the ordinary people that serve as ties in the local communities; and poetry by the "New Frontier Poets" and fiction by military writers highlight the masculinity and pioneering spirit of the region, so as to build a spiritual highland of new era. They made a common effort in trying to tap the spiritual resources for the restarting of the nation' s modernization endeavor. Zhang Chengzhi (张承志) started the trend of internalized and subjective presentation of life and experiences in Xinjiang and was followed by Zhou Tao (周涛), Hongke (红柯)and Liu Liangcheng (刘亮程) in capturing the poetic-ness and divinity of the region. Generally speaking, in the works by contemporary Chinese writers about their life and experiences in Xinjiang a certain movement can be perceived: shifting from bowing down to the mainstream ideology to a moderate alienation from it, from eager expectation of modernity to a moderate resistance against it, and from visualizing the area as a land of superb scenery to discovering it as a land with its own subjectivity. The cultural significance of such works lies in the fact that they provide heterogeneous cultural experiences for contemporary Chinese literature and Chinese society centered on the culture of the Han nationality.
作者 汪树东
机构地区 武汉大学文学院
出处 《长江学术》 2015年第2期80-89,共10页 Yangtze River Academic
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目"中国现代文学的反现代性价值取向整体研究"(10YJC751084)
关键词 新疆体验书写 风景化 主体化 边疆精神 异质文化 Works About Life and Experiences in Xinjiang Landscape Perspective Subjectifying Frontier Spirit Heterogeneous Culture
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  • 1闻捷:《复仇的火焰》,《闻捷全集》第2卷,太原:北岳文艺出版社2001年版,第160页.










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