A social credit information system has been built by combining commercial credit reporting,financial credit reporting,industry credit reporting and local public joint credit reporting in China,in which the local public joint credit reporting is China's unique mode of credit information system. At the present stage,commercial credit reporting and financial credit reporting still cannot meet the needs of the whole society in credit information services,and a unified national information platform for credit reporting is still difficult to start construction under the circumstances,it is necessary to conduct the construction of local public credit information platform. There are two investment and operation modes for constructing local credit information platforms,i. e. government-led operation and market-oriented operation,and three data collection modes,i. e. provincial unified collection mode,province-city two-level collection mode,and province-city-county three-level collection mode. After a comprehensive analysis on the advantages and disadvantages of each mode,the paper proposes to select the government-led,province-city twolevel data collection mode for constructing local public credit information platform.
Credit Reference
local platform of public credit information
credit reporting mode
data collection
social credit infor-mation system