

Decentralized Maintenance for a Multi-unit System with Heterogeneous Components
摘要 针对异构多部件系统内部存在部件维修地位不均等的问题,提出了一种基于寿命分布的非集中式维修策略.考虑多部件系统由两类部件构成:功能复杂的高维修优先级部件和功能简单的低维修优先级部件.前者的故障需要立即进行紧急维修,同时维修次数是有限的;而后者的故障可被暂且搁置,以等待成组维修.考虑维修工作由两个维修团队共同竞争完成,团队之间的竞争关系符合斯坦克尔伯格竞争模型.在此基础上,通过建立起部件的故障次序统计量,以多部件系统总体期望费用率的最小化为目标,建立了一种非集中式维修策略的优化模型,并通过数值仿真进行验证. In view of the inequality in maintenance status of heterogeneous components in the multi-unit system, a life distribution based decentralized maintenance was put forward. Considering the situation that the system had heterogeneous components such as the complex components with high maintenance priority and the simple components with low maintenance priority. The maintenance for the complex components was performed immediately as soon as a failure was detected, while the simple components' failures could be left idle, waiting for group maintenance. Meanwhile, the maintenance times were limited. In addition, the implementation of maintenance actions was done by two competing maintenance teams, and the relationship between them was characterized by the Staekelberg leadership model. To find a possible optimal decentralized maintenance policy, the minimum expected total cost per unit time was then deduced based on the order statistics for lifetime distribution. Finally, a numerical example was presented to test and verify the effectiveness of the proposed maintenance model.
出处 《上海应用技术学院学报(自然科学版)》 2015年第2期195-201,共7页 Journal of Shanghai Institute of Technology: Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项资助项目(61490701 61210012 61290324)
关键词 高(低)维修优先级 不完全维修 次序统计量 非集中式 high (low) maintenance priority imperfect maintenance order statistics decentralized
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