The three components of helping profession include'how the helpers help others, how the helpers help themselves and how the helpers get help'. Social work supervision relates to'how the helpers get help', which provides help to helpers and offers counselling to counsellor. Therefore, supervision is called the secondary help or the secondary counselling. According to the development track of supervision in Germany, Europe and USA, supervision went through a period of transformation from the administrative supervision to the clinical supervision in the true meaning. In addition, the development of theory and practice of supervision in continental European countries is different from that of the Great Britain and USA. The social work supervision in China has been deeply influenced by the Great Britain and USA, but getting little influence from continental European countries where have formed the highlevel theory and professionalization on social work supervision. How to find a'intermediate state'among'the clinical supervision in the Western sense','the administrative supervision'and'the administration and cultural atmosphere in China'is a great challenge of the future development of supervision in China.
Journal of Social Work