目的了解昌平区中小学校周边制售即食食品卫生状况。方法 2013-06/10在辖区内中小学校周边随机抽取100件即食食品,进行菌落总数、大肠菌群、大肠埃希菌计数及3种食源性致病菌的检测和评价。结果昌平区中小学校周边制售即食食品合格率为39.00%,食源性致病菌检出率为5.00%,其中凉皮凉面类合格率最低,仅为8.33%。城乡结合部及农村学校周边制售即食食品合格率低于城镇。结论昌平区中小学校周边制售即食食品卫生状况较差,存在发生食源性疾病的隐患。相关部门应重视城乡结合部学校周边的食品卫生状况,加强环境治理,加强学生管理,加大对学校周边摊贩及商铺的监管力度,广泛开展宣教,有效预防并控制食源性疾病的发生。
Objective To investigate the sanitary status of making and selling instant foods around elementary and secondary schools in Changping district of Beijing. Methods A hundred pieces of instant foods were randomly selected around elementary and secondary schools in June to October of 2013 in this district. Total number of bacterial colony,coliform and Escherichia coli were tested and evaluated. Results The qualified rate of the instant foods was 39. 00% and the detection rate of food-borne pathogens was 5. 00%. The qualified rate of cold noodles was the lowest of 8. 33%. The qualified rate of the instant foods around rural schools and semi-urban schools was lower than that of urban schools. Conclusion The sanitary status of making and selling of instant foods around primary and secondary schools in Changping district is not optimistic and risk of occurring foodborne diseases exists. Thus, the sanitary status of instant foods around primary and secondary schools should be attached importance to. Integrity measures should be strengthened,including environmental management and student management,surveillance on the stall keeper and shops,broad propaganda and education,to effectively prevent and control the food-borne disease.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
school surrounding
instant food
sanitary status