天椒10号是以羊角椒自交系114为母本,羊角椒自交系67为父本配制而成的中早熟辣椒一代杂种;植株生长势中等,株高83.72 cm,开展度73.29 cm,单株结果数23.5个,始花节位为第7.95节,果实大羊角形,表面光滑,果长28.68cm,果宽3.14 cm,果肉厚0.332 cm,单果质量59.25 g,中辣,果实商品性好;耐低温寡照,田间抗疫病水平与对照天椒4号相当,丰产性好,667 m2产量为4 000 kg以上,适宜天水市及周边地区露地及保护地栽培。
'Tianjiao No.10' is a new mid-early maturing hot pepper F_1 hybrid developed by crossing clam pepper inbred 114 as female parent and clam pepper inbred 67 as male parent.The plant has medium growth vigor,and is 83.72 cm in hight and 73.29 cm in width.The single plant can bear 23.5 fruits.The first flower sets at the7.95 th node.Its fruit is of large claw shape with smooth surface.Its fruit is 28.68 cm in length and 3.14 cm in diameter.The flesh thickness is 0.332 cm.The single fruit weight is 59.25 g.It tastes medium hot and has good commercial character.It is tolerant to low temperature and scant sunlight.It can yield over 60 t · hm^-2.It is suitable for cultivation both in open and protected fields in Tianshui of Gansu.
China Vegetables