
区域公共产品视角下的东盟旅游合作研究 被引量:2

Research on ASEAN Tourism Cooperation from the Perspective of Regional Public Goods
摘要 区域组织如何促进成员国之间密切合作是区域研究的重点。本文以东盟旅游合作进程为研究对象,运用区域公共产品理论分析东盟在缺乏霸权国家主导和硬机制运行的背景下如何形成集体行动,有效供给区域公共产品。东盟旅游合作的动力在于全球旅游竞争环境变化催生了东盟各国对区域公共产品的需求,唯有依靠区域合作才能突破自身旅游发展瓶颈。本文对东盟区域旅游公共产品供给动力、合作机制建设和障碍进行了深入分析,认为以东盟旅游部长会议为核心的协商一致对话合作机制、最大程度满足成员国旅游发展需要的包容性公共产品选择机制、以外部性特征为驱动的区域外国家渗透参与机制保证了区域旅游公共产品生产的稳定性,但区域内国家发展程度不一、资金缺乏和旅游市场激烈竞争也削弱了旅游公共产品合作供给的信心。 The key subject of Regional studies is how to improve the cooperation among regional organization's participants. This essay tries to analyze ASEAN tourism cooperation process by using regional public goods theory to probe into the way how ASEAN effectively provides regional public goods without the support from hegemony or hard institutions. The motivation for ASEAN tourism cooperation stems from the fierce competition of the global tourism market and thus breeds the need for regional public goods. The stable cooperation comes from ASEAN way's equal consultation at the meetings of ASEAN Tourism Ministers,maximum satisfaction for the participants' needs for tourism developments and foreign countries' joining. While ASEAN's varying stages of economic development,shortage for financial support and fierce competition form inter-region weaken the confidence for cooperation.
作者 胡爱清
出处 《东南亚纵横》 2015年第4期41-47,共7页 Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 区域公共产品 东盟旅游合作 集体行动 Regional Public Goods ASEAN Tourism Cooperation Collective Action
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