

Circulating fibrocytes and fibrosis
摘要 循环纤维细胞是参与组织损伤和入侵的循环间叶母细胞。研究其分化、迁移及活化,发现循环纤维细胞在慢性炎症性疾病及胶原沉积性疾病中具有重要意义。近年来临床数据表明,循环纤维细胞的数量可作为慢性肺疾病进展的标志,如哮喘、肺纤维化。通过免疫调节影响循环纤维细胞迁移活化是一种潜在治疗纤维化疾病的方法。本文将综述循环纤维细胞参与纤维化疾病最新研究进展。 Fibrocytes,as circulating mesenchymal progenitor cells,participate in tissue responses to injury and invasion. Study of differentiation, trafficking, and function of these cells implicates that they play important roles in the development of diseases characterized by chronic inflammation and excessive collagen deposition. Recent data suggests that the enumeration of circulating fibrocytes may be a biomarker for chronic lung diseases including asthma and pulmonary fibrosis. It is a potential method for treating fibrosis that influencing the migration and activation of circulating fibrocytes by immune regulation. This article reviews the latest research progress of circulating fibrocytes in the development of fibrosing disorders.
机构地区 北京中医药大学
出处 《国际呼吸杂志》 2015年第14期1098-1100,共3页 International Journal of Respiration
基金 北京中医药大学教育科学研究课题(XJY13009)
关键词 循环纤维细胞 纤维化 异常修复 Circulating fibrocytes Fibrosis Dysregulated repair
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