
GPS接收机模糊搜索粗时定位方法 被引量:1

A coarse-time GPS positioning algorithm with ambiguity search
摘要 由于难以获得免时定位算法所需的接收机概略位置,提出模糊搜索的粗时定位方法。为减小搜索空间,在位同步后优选几何精度因子值较好的4颗卫星通过遍历伪距模糊的方式进行位置估计,并基于伪距残余均方根最小准则选出最合理的位置估算结果。根据概略位置恢复所有卫星的完整伪距。利用5状态的免时定位算法估计接收机位置。使用11个国际卫星导航服务观测站的观测数据对算法进行验证,结果表明,在概略位置未知情况下该方法能够实现粗时定位,且定位精度与直接使用完整伪距的精时最小二乘定位精度相当。 Because it is difficult to obtain the priori position for time-free positioning algorithm, the coarse-time GPS (Global Positioning System) positioning algorithm with ambiguity search was proposed. Four satellites, which are the most reasonable combinations based on minimum root mean square of residuals criterion, were selected for coarse positioning by iterating through all combinations of integer ambiguity. The full pseudoranges of all satellites were constructed based on the priori position. The position was estimated using time-free positioning algorithm. The performance of the proposed method was verified by using the observation data of 11 IGS ( International GNSS Service) stations. This method can achieve coarse-time GPS positioning even if the priori position is unknown, and provides comparable positioning results as compared with the traditional precise-time positioning.
出处 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期34-38,共5页 Journal of National University of Defense Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61403413)
关键词 伪距残余检验 免时定位 位同步 全球定位系统 pseudorange residuals test time-free positioning bit synchronization GPS
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