随着计算机和网络技术的高速发展,互联网已经日益成为人们默认的工作环境,而目前使用最为广泛的Subversion版本控制系统,只能在客户端工作副本上工作,满足不了人们在Web上管理文件的需求,因此重点研究基于Live Connect技术和SVNKit技术开发一款实现SVN基本功能的SVN Java Web插件,该插件可以在Web环境上实现对工作区文件的管理,操作灵活,并且可以轻松嵌入其他Java Web项目中,以使该插件可以广泛使用。
With the rapid development of computer and network technology, the Internet has increasingly become the default platform. Nowadays, Subversion is a most widely used, free and open source version control system. The working place of SVN is only limited to client's com- pute, it can't meet the needs of management files in the Web. So, focuses to develop a plug-in that called LiveSVNPlugin to manage re- source flies based on SVN and LiveConnect technology, and it has achieved the basic functions of SVN. The LiveSVNPlugin can be achieved on the workspace for file management in the Web environment, flexible operation, and can be easily embedded in other Java Web projects to make it used widely.
Modern Computer