
The Forgotten Tangerine: IBN Battuta

The Forgotten Tangerine: IBN Battuta
摘要 Ibn Batuta's book The Rihla gives us a unique insight into life of a 14th C travelling scholar in the golden age of Dar AI Islam (the world of Islam). This paper is a reflection on Ibn Battuta focusing on three curious things we don't know about him. First, we don't know what he looks like--what does this tell us about visual culture, ethnicity and the idea of self-image in 14th Century. Second, we don't know if he really went to China--if not why would this section be included? Third, we don't know how his story became lost to history, which it certainly was for close to 400 years--what does this tell us about the man, the book, it's intended audience and the changes happening within Dar AI Islam at that time.
作者 Ken Newman
出处 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第6期294-297,共4页 新闻与大众传媒(英文版)
关键词 Ibn Battuta Rihla ISLAM HISTORY CULTURE 伊斯兰世界 橘子 遗忘 视觉文化 伊斯兰教
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