
近35年文献的银屑病关节炎中医证候分布特点分析 被引量:9

Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medical Syndrome Patterns of Psoriatic Arthritis Patients in Related Reports Issued in Recent 35 Years
摘要 【目的】分析对1979~2013年35年间的银屑病关节炎(psoriatic arthritis,Ps A)研究文献,探讨Ps A的中医证候特点,为临床辨证分型提供依据。【方法】利用多个数据库对1979~2013年的中医药期刊所报道的Ps A中医辨证分型的文献进行检索,提取其中涉及到的中医证候信息,对文献中出现的Ps A证候进行名称规范并归类,应用统计软件SPSS 17.0对证候、证素、舌脉的频次、频率进行统计分析。【结果】共检出文献84篇,符合要求者26篇。共出现10种舌质、15种舌苔、22种脉象。经规范证候名称后,获得共计39种中医证型,进一步对相近证候进行归并,最终得到14种证型,最常见的前5位证型为风湿热痹、风热血燥、热毒炽盛、风寒湿痹、肝肾亏虚。将上述证型按病性证素分布进行统计分析,得到Ps A相关病性证素有14种,对其进行二次归并后得到9种证素,居于前6位的为热、痰湿、风、燥、虚、血瘀。【结论】Ps A的证候类型繁多,证素分布中除寒、热外,亦与痰湿、风、燥、血瘀相关,提示寒、热、痰湿、风、燥、血瘀在Ps A发病中占有重要的地位。 Objective An analysis was carried out for the reports of traditional Chinese medical syndrome patterns of psoriatic arthritis(Ps A) patients in related reports issued in the recent 35 years, thus to explore the characteristics of syndrome patterns of Ps A patients and to supply evidence for the syndrome classification.Methods Electronic retrieval was performed in the reports of Ps A syndrome analysis issued in the Chinese medical journals from the year of 1979 to 2013. Traditional Chinese medical syndrome information of Ps A patients was extracted from the reports, and then was standardized and classified. SPSS 17.0 software was applied for the analysis of occurrence frequency of syndromes, syndrome elements, tongue and pulse states. Results A total of 84 reports were obtained, and 26 reports met the inclusion criteria. In the 26 included reports, 10 kinds of tongue texture, 15 kinds of tongue fur and 22 kinds of pulse states were present. After the standardization of the syndromes, a total of 39 syndrome patterns were obtained. After combination of the similar syndromes, 14 syndromes were included into the analysis. In the 14 included syndrome patterns, the leading 5 patterns were wind-damp heat arthralgia, wind-heat with blood dryness, excessive heat toxin, wind-cold damp arthralgia, and liver-kidney deficiency. Fourteen syndrome elements were extracted from the syndromes, and 9 were included into the analysis after combination of the similar syndrome elements. The top syndrome elements were heat,phlegm-dampness, wind, dryness, deficiency, and blood stasis. Conclusion The syndrome patterns of Ps A patients are various, and the syndrome elements of cold, heat, phlegm-dampness, wind, dryness, and blood stasis play an important role in the pathogenesis of Ps A.
出处 《广州中医药大学学报》 CAS 2015年第4期603-606,共4页 Journal of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 中国博士后科学基金(编号:2014M562163) 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:81473681)
关键词 银屑病关节炎 中医证候 分布规律 文献研究 Psoriatic arthritis Traditional Chinese medical syndrome Distribution characteristics Literature research
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