
浅谈五种宫内节育器不良反应分析 被引量:8

An analysis of the adverse reactions of five kinds of intrauterine devices
摘要 通过观察放置宫内节育器(IUD),爱母环(MCU)、母体乐(MCU375)、宫形环(GCU300)、TCU220C和吉妮环术后不良反应情况,为育龄妇女知情选择IUD提供参考依据。将671例自愿采取放置宫内节育器避孕而无禁忌症的妇女随机分成五组,分别放置A组MCU,B组MCU375,C组GCU300,D组TCU220C,E组吉妮环五种IDU,随访两年,对其术后月经量增多,经期延长,阴道不规则流血,疼痛,脱环,带器妊娠,白带增多情况进行比较。MCU的不良反应较为严重,MCU375和GCU300的不良反应次之,TCU220C和吉妮环不良反应最轻。GCU300的脱环率最高,TCU220C、MCU和MCU375、吉妮环的脱环率都比较低;带器妊娠MCU和GCU300最高,MCU375、TCU220C和吉妮环均低。临床应根据受器者的具体情况选择适当的IUD,提高育龄妇女对避孕措施的满意程度。 By observing placed intrauterine device(IUD),Aimu ring(MCU),maternal music MCU375,uterine shaped ring GCU300,TCU220 C and genefex of adverse reaction conditions,for women of childbearing age informed choosing IUD to provide reference. Will 671 patients volunteered to take the placement of intrauterine device(IUD)and without contraindication of women were randomly divided into five groups,were placed in group a MCU,group B MCU375,group C GCU300,group D TCU220 C,group E Ji genefex five IDU,followed up for two years. On postoperative menstrual blood volume and increased,prolonged menstruation,irregular vaginal bleeding,pain,off the ring,pregnancy with IUD,leucorrhea increased situation were compared. The adverse reactions of MCU375 were serious,the adverse reactions of GCU300 and MCU were followed,and the adverse reactions of TCU220 C and Ji Nihuan were the lightest. The highest removal rate of TCU220 C was the highest,the rate of GCU300,MCU,MCU375 and Ji Nihuan was lower,and the highest MCU and GCU300 were the highest,and the TCU220 C,MCU375 and Ji Nihuan were both low. Appropriate IUD should be chosen according to the specific circumstances of the receiver,and the degree of satisfaction of the contraceptive measures for women of childbearing age should be improved..
作者 李华洁
出处 《中国工程科学》 北大核心 2015年第6期28-30,共3页 Strategic Study of CAE
关键词 节育环 不良反应 吉妮环 IUD adverse reaction Jeanne ring
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