
比较政治视野下历史制度主义论析 被引量:1

A Study of Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Politics
摘要 作为比较政治学范式沿革下的一个范式创新,历史制度主义分析范式与解释路径在比较政治学领域中得到日益广泛的应用,并已成功取代行为主义、结构功能主义成为比较政治学的主流范式,对比较政治学有着重要的理论发展和创新价值。本文主要从比较政治学中的历史制度学派、历史制度主义与比较政治学的耦合、制度变迁的比较历史关键节点等方面,对比较政治学中历史制度主义的研究现状与理论发展进行综合性的探讨。 As a paradigm of innovation theories of comparative politics, the analysis paradigm and the interpretation path of historical institutionalism was widely application in the field of comparative politics, and has been successfully replaced behaviorism and structural functionalism. At the same time, it has important theoretical development and innovation value. In this paper, it makes a comprehensive discussion about the status of research and theoretical development of historical institutionalism in comparative politics in terms of historical institutionalism school, coupled with historical institutionalism and comparative politics and critical juncture.
作者 贺冬
出处 《天水行政学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第3期31-36,共6页 Journal of Tianshui College of Administration
关键词 比较政治学 新制度主义 历史制度主义 关键 comparative politics new institutionalism historical institutionalism key
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