目的探讨急诊经皮冠状动脉介入(PCI)治疗术前采用替罗非班治疗急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死(STEMI)患者的临床疗效及安全性。方法择2012年1月至2013年12月在山西省心血管病医院CCU住院并行急诊PCI治疗的STEMI患者共计134例。随机分为观察组(69例)和对照组(65例)。比较两组患者冠状动脉造影情况、术后TIMI血流、心电图ST段抬高总和回落百分比(sum STR)、住院期间1周内和术后90天主要不良心脏事件的发生率、左室射血分数(LVEF)、术前和术后24h及1周血小板计数、出血事件的发生率。结果两组间一般临床资料、冠状动脉造影情况差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。观察组术后TIMI血流Ⅲ级的比例高于对照组,但差异无统计学意义(97.1%vs.92.3%,P>0.05),而术后90分钟sum STR>50%的比例观察组明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(94.2%vs.80.0%,P<0.05);观察组住院期间1周内顽固性心绞痛及主要不良心脏事件(MACE)的发生率(2.9%vs.13.8%,4.3%vs.15.4%,P均<0.05)明显降低,术后90天MACE的发生率较对照组无明显变化(1.4%vs.3.1%),而LVEF[(53.86±4.50)%vs.(52.03±4.10)%,P<0.05]显著提高。两组患者术前和术后24h、1周血小板计数以及出血事件的发生率相比,差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。结论早期应用替罗非班可显著提高STEMI患者的心肌细胞灌注,改善微循环,从而改善左心功能和临床预后,且并未增加出血风险。
Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of tirofiban administrated before emergency percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Methods STEMI patients with PCI (n=134) were chosen from Jan. 2012 to Dec. 2013, and randomly divided into observation group (n=69) and control group (n=65). The outcomes of coronary angiography (CAG), TIMI flow, sumSTR of electrocardiogram (ECG), incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) within 1 w after hospitalization and 90 d after PCI, LVEF, platelet count (PLT) and incidence bleeding events before and 24 h and 1 w after PCI were compared between 2 groups. Results The difference in general clinical data and CAG outcomes had no statistical significance (all P〉0.05) between 2 groups. The proportion of patients with grade III TIMI flow after PCI was higher in observation group than that in control group (97.1%vs. 92.3%, P〉0.05), while proportion of patients with sumSTR〉50%after PCI for 90 min was significantly higher in observation group than that in control group (94.2%vs. 80.0%, P0.05). Conclusion Early administration of tirofiban can significantly promote the perfusion of myocardial cells and microcirculation, and improve left cardiac function and clinical prognosis without increasing bleeding risks.
Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Cardiovascular Medicine
Percutaneous coronary intervention
Myocardial infarction