目的:对2009~2013年宝应县水痘流行趋势进行全面分析。方法使用描述性流行病学法,以2009~2013年宝应县疾病预防控制中心434例水痘病例为研究对象,对其进行分析。结果2009~2013年宝应县水痘发病人数为434人,无死亡案例,截止到2013年末,五年间水痘疾病平均发病率为0.048%。8月份发病人数最少,占总数的1.99%,12月份发病人数最多,占总数的37.15%。整体趋势为发病人数随着年龄的增长而逐步增多,在5~14岁形成高峰之后随着年龄的增长出现逐年下降的趋势,呈现出单峰分布。有1/4的病患在发病24 h内进行治疗。男性发病率高于女性,且相关数据存在统计学意义,P〈0.05。结论在发病高峰期,做好宣传工作,医院方面做好治疗工作,强化对医护人员的相关培训,能够减少该疾病误诊率,对疫情控制有非常重要的现实意义。
Objective To analyze the epidemic trend of chicken pox in baoying county from 2009 to 2013.Methods Using the descriptive epidemiology method, 434 cases of chicken pox in county,baoying county as the research object,and were analyzed by using descriptive epidemiology method.Results Between 2009 and 2013,the number of chicken pox in baoying county was 434,without death case. The average incidence rate was 0.048% in the end of 2013. In August,the number of patients was the least,accounting for 1.99% of the total number of cases in December,accounting for 37.15% of the total. The overal trend of the incidence of the disease increased with age,and the age of 5 to 14 years of age after the formation of the trend, showing a single peak distribution. Patients with 1/4 were treated with 24 h within the onset of the disease. The incidence of male was higher than that of female,and the relevant data were statisticaly significant,P〈 0.05.Conclusion In the peak incidence,do a good job of propaganda work,the hospital do treatment work,strengthen the training of medical personnel,can reduce the rate of misdiagnosis of the disease and the epidemic control has very important practical significance.
China Health Standard Management
The epidemiological characteristic
Prevention and control measures