
民族志研究等同于质性研究吗?——语言教育学的视角 被引量:6

Is Ethnography Equivalent to Qualitative Research?—Perspectives from Language Education
摘要 近年来,国内外外语学界对质性研究和民族志研究的异同持多种观点。本文拟从语言教育领域入手,爬梳质性研究和民族志研究的定义、特点和应用价值,厘清两者的共性和差异,以两项语用实证研究为例进一步阐释其异同点,即:两者在方法论即范式层面上是等同的,而在研究方法即技术路线层面上是有差异的。鉴于民族志在语言教育领域中独特的应用价值,应该拓展研究视域和研究方法的多样性,考虑将其运用在多种研究课题中。 There have been different views towards the definitions of qualitative research and ethnography Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) the definitions, features and values of qualitative identical on the methodological level; however, (QR) and runs on the broad principles of QR, investigation. The paper calls for increased use research topics. circles both home and abroad. This paper first reviews the literature on research and ethnography. It then argues that they can be regarded as in terms of method, ethnography is a part of the qualitative research yet has its own distinct set of methods to understand the subject of of ethnographic methods in a possibly wide range of second language
出处 《外语电化教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期17-24,共8页 Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education
基金 上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师科研专项基金资助(项目编号YQ10LCT01) 上海外国语大学校级一般项目资助(项目编号KX181083)
关键词 民族志研究 质性研究 语言教育 语用研究 Ethnography Qualitative Research Language Education Pragmatic Studies
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