Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of radiofrequency catheteablation (RFCA) in chil- dren with tachycardiarrhythmias. MethodOne hundred and twenty - three children unde3 yearold with drug - refractory taehycardiunderwenan interventional electrophysiology procedure and RFCin Medical Centeof TsinghuUniversity from April 1994 to Decembe2014, including 98 male and 25 female, and theiaverage age wa(22.9 ± 9. 6) months(2 - 35 months) and body weighwa( 13.64±2.80) kg(4.66 - 19.40 kg). The mechanism, RFCmethods, the succesrate, recurrence rate and complication rate of the differentypeof taehyeardiwere investigated. ResultAmong these children, interventional dectrophysiological study confirmed 94 case( 76.4% ,94/123 cases) with atrioventrieulareentrantachycardi(AVRT) ,7 case( 5.7 % ,7/123 case) with atrioventriculanodal reentrantachycardi(AVNRT) ,3 case(2.4% ,3/123 cases) with focal atrial tachycardi(FAT) ,8 ease(6.5% ,8/123 ca- ses) with atrial flutte(AF) ,5 case(4.1% ,5/123 cases) with idiopathilefventriculatachycardi(ILVT) ,6 ca- se(4.8% ,6/123 cases) arrhythmiwanoinduced. RFCwaperformed in 109 ease(88.6% ,109/123 cases). The succesrate of RFCwa94.5% ( 103/109 eases) and the recurrence rate wa6.8% (7/103 eases). In 88 easeof AVRT,the succesrate wa96.6% (85/88 cases) ,and the recurrence rate wa8.2% (7/85 cases). In 5 caseof AVNRT,the succesrate wa100.0% (5/5 cases). In 3 caseof FAT,the succesrate wa33.3% ( 1/3 cases). In 8 caseof AF,the succesrate wa87.5% (7/8 cases). In 5 caseof ILVT,the succesrate wa100.0% (5/5 eases) , and there wano recurrence. The complication of RFCwapuncture vasculaocclusion in 2 case( 1.6% ,2/123 ca- ses) ,withouotheserioucomplicationand death cases. In thigroup of children, the fluoroscopy exposure time wa( 11.2 ± 5.8 ) min ( 5.7± 18.2 min) and dose areproduc(DAP) exposure wa(954.5±117.4 ) mGy x cm2 ( 707 - 2 201 mGy x em2). Compared with the eldechildren (379 caseove3 yearold) of the exposure fluoroscopy time ( 10.8 - 6.4 ) min ( 3.9 - 20.5 min) and DAP exposure ( 927.5 ± 193.4 ) mGy x cm2 (439 - 3 201 mGy x cm2 ), therewano statistically significandifference ( = 0.616,1. 463, all P 〉 0.05 ). ConclusionAVRwathe moscommon type of arrhythmiin infantand higheincidence of multiple accessory pathwaywafound in infants. Application of radiofrequency ablation to children with tachycardiarrhythmiacan be relatively safe and effective to the infantwith drug - resistantachycardia.
Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics
Radiofrequency catheteablation