
射频消融手术治疗婴幼儿快速性心律失常123例 被引量:2

Radiofrequency catheteablation therapy used in 123 children with drug -refractory tachycardiarrhythmias
摘要 目的探讨射频消融手术治疗婴幼儿快速性心律失常的有效性和安全性。方法选择1994年4月至2014年12月清华大学医学中心接受心内电生理学检查及射频消融手术药物抵抗的快速性心律失常患儿123例。男98例,女25例;年龄(22.9±9.6)个月(2~35个月);体质量(13.64±2.80)kg(4.66~19.40kg)。分析其不同类型心动过速射频消融方法及成功率、复发率和并发症发生率。结果接受心内电生理检查患儿123例。心内电生理检查证实房室折返性心动过速(AVRT)94例(76.4%,94/123例),房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)7例(5.7%,7/123例),局灶性房性心动过速(FAT)3例(2.4%,3/123例),心房扑动(AF)8例(6.5%,8/123例),左心室特发性室性心动过速(ILVT)5例(4.1%,5/123例),未诱发出心律失常6例(4.8%,6/123例)。接受射频消融手术109例(88.6%,109/123例),消融成功103例(94.5%,103/109例),复发7例(6.8%,7/103例)。其中AVRT接受射频消融手术88例,消融成功率96.6%(85/88例),复发率8.2%(7/85例)。AVNRT接受射频消融手术5例,消融成功率100.0%(5/5例)。FAT接受射频消融手术3例,消融成功率33.3%(1/3例)。AF接受射频消融手术8例,消融成功率87.5%(7/8例)。ILVT接受射频消融手术5例,消融成功率100.0%(5/5例),随访均无复发。射频消融手术并发症2例(1.6%,2/123例),均为穿刺血管闭塞,无其他严重并发症及死亡病例。本组患儿曝光时间(11.2±5.8)min(5.7~18.2min),累积曝光量(DAP)(954.5±117.4)mGy×cm2(707~2201mGy×cm2)。与清华大学医学中心同期年长儿(t〉3岁,379例)曝光时间[(10.8±6.4)min(3.9—20.5min)],DAP[(927.5±193.4)mGy×cm2(439—3201mGy×cm2)]比较差异均无统计学意义(t=0.616、1.463,P均〉0.05)。结论AVRT是婴幼儿快速性心律失常的最常见类型,婴幼儿多房室旁路发生率较高。射频消融手术可相对安全有效地应用于药物抵抗的快速性心律失常婴幼儿的治疗。 Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of radiofrequency catheteablation (RFCA) in chil- dren with tachycardiarrhythmias. MethodOne hundred and twenty - three children unde3 yearold with drug - refractory taehycardiunderwenan interventional electrophysiology procedure and RFCin Medical Centeof TsinghuUniversity from April 1994 to Decembe2014, including 98 male and 25 female, and theiaverage age wa(22.9 ± 9. 6) months(2 - 35 months) and body weighwa( 13.64±2.80) kg(4.66 - 19.40 kg). The mechanism, RFCmethods, the succesrate, recurrence rate and complication rate of the differentypeof taehyeardiwere investigated. ResultAmong these children, interventional dectrophysiological study confirmed 94 case( 76.4% ,94/123 cases) with atrioventrieulareentrantachycardi(AVRT) ,7 case( 5.7 % ,7/123 case) with atrioventriculanodal reentrantachycardi(AVNRT) ,3 case(2.4% ,3/123 cases) with focal atrial tachycardi(FAT) ,8 ease(6.5% ,8/123 ca- ses) with atrial flutte(AF) ,5 case(4.1% ,5/123 cases) with idiopathilefventriculatachycardi(ILVT) ,6 ca- se(4.8% ,6/123 cases) arrhythmiwanoinduced. RFCwaperformed in 109 ease(88.6% ,109/123 cases). The succesrate of RFCwa94.5% ( 103/109 eases) and the recurrence rate wa6.8% (7/103 eases). In 88 easeof AVRT,the succesrate wa96.6% (85/88 cases) ,and the recurrence rate wa8.2% (7/85 cases). In 5 caseof AVNRT,the succesrate wa100.0% (5/5 cases). In 3 caseof FAT,the succesrate wa33.3% ( 1/3 cases). In 8 caseof AF,the succesrate wa87.5% (7/8 cases). In 5 caseof ILVT,the succesrate wa100.0% (5/5 eases) , and there wano recurrence. The complication of RFCwapuncture vasculaocclusion in 2 case( 1.6% ,2/123 ca- ses) ,withouotheserioucomplicationand death cases. In thigroup of children, the fluoroscopy exposure time wa( 11.2 ± 5.8 ) min ( 5.7± 18.2 min) and dose areproduc(DAP) exposure wa(954.5±117.4 ) mGy x cm2 ( 707 - 2 201 mGy x em2). Compared with the eldechildren (379 caseove3 yearold) of the exposure fluoroscopy time ( 10.8 - 6.4 ) min ( 3.9 - 20.5 min) and DAP exposure ( 927.5 ± 193.4 ) mGy x cm2 (439 - 3 201 mGy x cm2 ), therewano statistically significandifference ( = 0.616,1. 463, all P 〉 0.05 ). ConclusionAVRwathe moscommon type of arrhythmiin infantand higheincidence of multiple accessory pathwaywafound in infants. Application of radiofrequency ablation to children with tachycardiarrhythmiacan be relatively safe and effective to the infantwith drug - resistantachycardia.
出处 《中华实用儿科临床杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第13期988-991,共4页 Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics
基金 首都医学发展科研基金(2014-1-4121)
关键词 快速性心律失常 射频消融 婴幼儿 Tachycardiarrhythmia Radiofrequency catheteablation Infant
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