
从外媒报道看孔子学院的海外形象 被引量:16

The Image of the Confucius Institute in Foreign Media Reports
摘要 随着孔子学院在世界各地陆续开办,对它的一些异议也不时传来,或质疑其存在的目的,或戒惧它威胁西方学术自由和言论自由。这些异议使国内一些人对孔子学院的海外形象产生误解。事实上,通过考察国外(尤其是美国)媒体对孔子学院的报道,我们可以发现在外媒的报道中,对孔子学院的肯定多于批评,从总体上看,西方社会对孔子学院的肯定和欢迎超过对它的质疑和戒惧。 Since the initiation of the Confucius Institute program, critical remarks have been heard once in a while, questioning its aim and fearing that it would distort Western academic freedom. This paper investigates foreign media reports, especially those in the United States, concerning the program. It argues that, though not all foreign media reports sing praises of it, those expressing negative voices form only a small portion. On the whole, the program is well accepted around the world.
作者 叶英
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期48-57,共10页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
关键词 孔子学院 软实力 中文热 教育经费 学术自由 政治宣传 Confucius Institute Soft Power Chinese Language Craze education expenditure academic freedom political propaganda
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