
旅游商业化影响下的古镇居住空间变迁研究——以周庄为例 被引量:33

Residential Space Evolution under Tourism Commercialization: A Case of Zhouzhuang
摘要 古镇类旅游地的居住空间在旅游商业化的影响下发生变迁,居住空间的相关研究是社会空间研究的重要组成部分,对古镇居住空间变迁的研究是理解旅游驱动旅游地社会空间变迁作用机制的重要切入点。研究以周庄古镇历史镇区为案例地,通过质性研究的方法对周庄居住空间变迁进行调查,并展开分析,发现周庄历史镇区的居住空间形成了使用者多元化、空间功能多样化、空间分布破碎化的变迁特征,认为产生变迁的根源是旅游发展后新主体大量涌入,其基于各自的立场而对旅游商业化有着不同的理解与评价标准,而这种源于利益考量的理解与评价的差异与变化产生了对古镇旅游商业开发的不同行为,本地社会关系在这种频繁的实践与互动过程中不断复杂化,出现新的空间,居住空间发生变迁。游客是居住空间变迁的主要依据,其好恶的变化引导了市场变化,旅游市场供给方积极响应变化,满足游客的需求;政府是变迁的主导力量;开发商通过资本优势影响政府,强化了政府在变迁中的作用;本地世居居民是旅游发展前居住空间的建构者,旅游发展后发生分化;外来旅游从业者涌入,置换本地居民,传统社区共同体瓦解,推动了变迁。 Tourism social impact research is currently an important area of the tourism geography research field. In the last 30 years of tourism development, China's ancient towns have become an important tourism resource. The flourishing tourism market has provided many business opportunities for local development. Such destination commercialization that is driven by tourism is of particular interest to tourism researchers. Tourism commercialization has different levels of influence on ancient towns. Importantly, it has influenced the residential space in China's ancient towns, leading to changes in their traditional residential spaces. Residential space encompasses the buildings associated with daily living and relates to the social space for local residents. Therefore, residential space research is an important element in social space research. Residential space research facilitates the understanding of the evolution of the social space in a tourism destination.The town of Zhouzhuang is a popular tourist destination in Jiangsu province of eastern China. It is a famous water township that contains many well preserved ancient residences. Rivers and lakes surround Zhouzhuang and numerous waterways intersect its streets. This study investigates and analyzes the evolution of Zhouzhuang's residential space as driven by tourism commercialization using a qualitative research method. As a result of this research it was found that the evolution of Zhouzhuang's residential space had three stages: a relatively stationary phase, a stable sprawl phase and a rapid development phase. The evolution characteristics of the residential space of Zhouzhuang's historical township included user and function diversification and spatial distribution fragmentation.Zhouzhuang's residential space evolution is the result of local social relationships complicated by the social interactions among the different tourism participants. Tourism participants have different understandings of tourism commercialization based on their individual perspectives. Their requirements resulted in various business development behaviors in the ancient town. Tourists were the basis of the residential space evolution. Changing tourist needs and preferences are a guide for market change.The tourism market caters to the tourists' preferences and this leads to space adjustments. The local government is the dominant force behind the residential space evolution and the local enterprises further support the government's actions through capital provision. Local people are the main builders of the residential space prior to an area becoming a tourism destination; however, tourism developments can cause the breakup of a local community. The high pace of tourism development in Zhouzhuang and the influx of people into the historical township from abroad working in the tourism industry led to changes in the local residential space and caused the traditional community to disintegrate.
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第7期26-36,共11页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家自然科学基金"旅游发展背景下古镇社会空间变迁的过程与机理"(41371160)资助~~
关键词 旅游商业化 居住空间 社会空间 周庄 tourism commercialization residential space social space Zhouzhuang
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