以贝母花为原料,在单因素试验基础上,采用响应面法优化贝母花中生物碱提取工艺。试验结果表明:影响生物碱提取顺序依次为乙醇浓度>温度>料液比>时间;最佳提取工艺为料液比:1∶31,乙醇浓度为62%,时间1.5 h,温度63℃。在此条件下,生物碱提取量为0.067 2 mg/g,预测提取量为0.068 9 mg/g,拟合率为99%,与实际值非常吻合。根据Box-Behnken实验设计原理,建立二次多项式回归方程预测模型,该模型P<0.000 1达到高度显著水平;说明该模型拟合度好;响应面分析中一次项乙醇浓度、温度极为显著;交互项料液比和乙醇浓度显著;二次项乙醇浓度、温度、料液比、时间都极为显著。
Fritillariae Thunbergii Mid has been used as an antitussive and expectorant herb in China for a long history. Peimine is one of the major therapeutic components of the total alkakoids which are responsible for its antitussive and expectorant activity. At present,the bulls of the Fritillariae Thunbergii are widely studied while little about the flowers. The result indicated that the highest content of the alkaloid was in bull,and then the level of the flower. However most alkaloids are extracted from bulls while flowers are treated as waste to be thrown away,which causes great waste of resources. It is necessary to establish a suitable method for extracting alkaloid from the flower of Fritillarae Thunbergii Mid to ensure the safety and effectiveness of its clinical use. A study on the extraction of whole alkaloid from the flower of Fritillariae Thunbergii Mid by recirculating method in alcohol was conducted. After single factor test,the optimum extraction process of Fritillaria flower alkaloids from Fritillaria flower by response-surface analysis method is studied in this paper. The experimental results show that the order of influence alkaloids extracted is as follows: ethanol concentration temperature solid-liquid ratio time. The optimum reflux extraction process of alkaloids for Fritillaria flower is as follows: solidliquid ratio: 1∶ 31,ethanol concentration 62%,time 1. 5 h and temperature 63 °C. Under these conditions,the forecast amount of Fritillaria flower alkaloids extract is 0. 068 9 mg / g and the actual extraction amount is 0. 067 2 mg / g,which is basically consistent with the theoretical predictions. A quadratic polynomial regression equation of the forecasting model is set up by using Box-Behnken design and the model( P〈0. 000 1) reaches a highly significant level,which shows that the model fitting is good. In the response-surface analysis,ethanol concentration and temperature are extremely significant,while in the interactive items the ethanol concentration and solid-liquid ratio is significant. And in the quadratic items,ethanol concentration,temperature,solid-liquid ratio and time are all extremely significant.
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Fritillaria flower
Response surface analysis
Reflux method
Extraction amount
Optimum conditions