

The Woman Wrestling with Fate:Rachel in “Genesis”
摘要 拉结是以色列始祖雅各的第二位妻子。她虽得到雅各的喜爱,一生却步履维艰,似乎是生活的失败者。但是《圣经·创世记》关于拉结的叙事非常微妙,在拉结看起来处处落败的生活中,叙述者为读者展现了一个热爱生活的有尊严的生命,她用自己的方式与命运角力、抗争,读者得以分享她真实的喜悦、哀伤、绝望和希望,在她身上表现的是一种主动、努力的生命体验,而这种体验不仅是以色列早期族母们所共同拥有的重要特征,也是以色列民族的共同记忆。 Rachel is the second wife of Jacob,the immediate ancestor of the Israelites. Her briefly recorded life seems to suggest that she is almost a loser and her life is a tragedy,though she is specially loved by her husband Jacob. But the narrative of the "Genesis"is so subtle as to imply an almost opposite understanding of Rachel as a character. Difficult life as it is,it is also life of dignity and passion,when Rachel confronts or even wrestles against the destiny and life. What readers share from her story is a combination of true happiness,sorrow,despair and hope,which is a symbol of positive and active experience shared by the early matriarchs as well as all the Israelite tribes.
作者 南宫梅芳
出处 《外国语文》 北大核心 2015年第3期13-17,共5页 Foreign Languages and Literature
基金 北京林业大学科技计划项目"基督教文学研究与翻译"(2014-1) 教育部第六批高等学校特色专业(英语)建设点项目(2010-TS11828)的研究成果
关键词 拉结 雅各 创世记 角力 Rachel Jacob "Genesis" wrestling
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