The small monomer M was synthesized with maleic anhydr ide (MA) and die thano 1 amine (DEA). The Mand allyl alcoho 1 (AA)were then added into allyl polyeth enoxy e the r (B-400) to produce polymer cement grinding a idby aqueous solut ion polymerization, under the initiating effect of ammonium peroxydi sul fate, the optimal molar ratio of polyme r cement gr inding aid was M:A A:B-400=1:1. 2:0. 5, amount of initiator 4. 0%. The resul t s of the cement grinding aids test compared wi th black were as follows: sieved particles of 45μm reduced 34. 3%; the grains size of 3-32μm increased 18. 2%; 3d,28dcompres s ive streng th of cement pastes were increa sed by 15. 7%and 13. 7%.