
“一带一路”与中国对海合会的农产品与食品出口 被引量:10

"One Belt and One Road" Strategy and the Agricultural Products and Food Trade between China and GCC Countries
摘要 伴随习近平总书记建设"一带一路"战略构想的提出,丝绸之路再次成为世界经济版图上贯通中西、促进各方交流合作的黄金路线。海合会六国是"一带一路"战略的重点区域。由于地理、气候、人口等因素,海合会六国需要大量进口农产品与食品,而海合会六国充足的外汇储备以及一系列维护外来农产品稳定供应的政策,也吸引了大批国家将其视为重要的农产品与食品出口目的地,并在其市场上展开了激烈竞争。研究认为,中国某些种类的农产品与食品在海合会六国市场上具有一定的比较优势,且部分农产品与食品同海合会六国的需求存在一定的互补性。但中国对海合会六国农产品与食品出口总量仍然偏低。本文探讨了其中的制约因素,并就如何促进中国对海合会六国的农产品与食品出口贸易提出了一些政策建议。 Along with the strategic concept One Belt and One Road being put for- ward by the general secretary Xi Jinping, the Silk Road once again become the gold route in the economic map of the world, which connects China with the West and promote the exchange and cooperation of all parties. The GCC countries are the key areas of the One Belt and One Road strategy. Due to the factors such as geog- raphy, climate and population, the GCC countries have to import a lot of agricul- tural products and food. In the mean time, there are enough foreign exchange re- serves and a series of protect policy for the steady supply of agricultural products and food in the GCC countries, which also attracted a large number of countries re- garding them as the important export destinations, and launched a fierce competi- tion in that market. The study suggested that some kinds of agricultural products and food of China have certain comparative advantage in the market of GCC coun- tries, and some kinds of agricultural products and food has certain complementary with the demand of the GCC countries. However, the total export of agricultural products and food from China to the GCC countries is still low. This thesis discus- ses the restriction factors, and also gives some policy suggestions to promote the agricultural product and food export trade from China to the GCC countries.
作者 王瑛
出处 《阿拉伯世界研究》 北大核心 2015年第4期59-72,共14页 Arab World Studies
基金 2014年度北方民族大学科研项目(2014XBS01) 2015年度国家民委民族问题研究项目(2015-GM-057) 2014年度宁夏回族自治区哲学社会科学规划项目(14NXBYJ05)的资助
关键词 海合会六国 农产品与食品贸易 显示性比较优势指数 互补性指数 GCC Countries Agricultural Products and Food Trade RCA TCI
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