

Channel state information extraction and processing for wireless USB
摘要 无线通用串行总线(W-USB)是基于超宽带(UWB)无线电平台的多频带正交频分复用(MB-OFDM)技术的系统应用。在接收机进行基带信号处理过程中,利用最小二乘估计均衡方法从系统的信道估计序列中快速地提取有效的信道状态信息,并把提取的信道状态信息按比例调节双载波解调器输出的软比特值。实验结果证明,利用信道状态信息调节解调输出的软比特值能提高接收端的解码纠错能力,从而提高系统性能。 Wireless universal serial bus(W-USB) system application is based on ultra wideband(UWB) radio platform exploiting multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(MB-OFDM) technology. When baseband singal is processed in receiver, least squares estimation method is used to efficiently obtained channel state information(CSI) from channel estimation sequence. The CSI is applied to scale the dual carrier modulation demapper output to obtain more reliable soft bit value. Experimental results show that using CSI aided decoding techniques can improve decoding error correction for the receiver and achieve better system performance.
出处 《微型机与应用》 2015年第13期84-86,90,共4页 Microcomputer & Its Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71201026) 东莞市高等院校 科研机构科技计划项目(2011108102061)
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