基于Web2.0环境的"东软杯"高校网络攻防大赛网站,使用标准的客户/服务器(B/S)结构,采用Photoshop和Dreamweaver软件,以及html、CSS+DIV和Java Script技术,基于JSP技术实现动态网站的构建,后台采用SQLServer的Web开发技术和数据库技术,同时使用模拟用户法和全面覆盖法进行测试。
The site of the "Neusoft Cup" network attack and defense contest, based on the environment of Web2.0 site, uses standard client / server(B/S)structure, the Photoshop and Dreamweaver software, and the HTML, CSS + div and javascript technology, achieving the construction of dynamic website on the basis of JSP technology. The backend adopts SQL Server Web Development Technology and database technology. At the same time, the site uses the simulated user method and comprehensive coverage to test it.
Science Mosaic