
基于碳减排政策的多式联运运输方式选择优化模型 被引量:25

Optimization model of mode selection for intermodal transportation based on carbon-reduction policy
摘要 研究了基于碳减排政策的多式联运运输方式选择问题.通过引入碳税机制,构建了数学规划模型.模型中以货物运输成本、转运成本以及在运输和转运过程中产生的碳排放成本最小化为目标函数,以货运过程中的碳排放总量限制、运到时间约束、相邻节点间只能选择一种货运方式以及节点内只能选择一种转运方案等为约束条件.最后,以鄂尔多斯到上海的多式联运为背景设计了算例,利用VC++6.0调用Lingo11.0实现模型的求解,并通过进一步加强碳排放总量的限制进行模型求解的对比分析,获得更加符合国家碳减排政策倡导的优化结果,验证了所建模型的合理性. This paper studied the optimization of mode selection for the intermodal transportation based on the carbon-reduction policy. A mathematical programming model was built by the introduction of a carbon tax mechanism. The proposed model was to minimize the costs of transportation and transfer of the freight flow,and the cost of the carbon emissions produced during these processes. The constraints of the model were set as the total carbon emissions,the limitation of time when transported to the end node,only one transportation mode can be chose between adjacent nodes and only one transfer scheme can be chose in one node. Finally,a numerical case based on intermodal transportation form Erdos to Shanghai was given. An optimization result was achieved by invoking Lingo11. 0 optimization platform in VC + + 6. 0 software. For comparison purposes,the limit of carbon emissions was strengthened and an optimization result which was more consistent with the national carbon emission reduction policy was achieved. Thus,the validity and feasibility of the proposed model was verified.
出处 《北京交通大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期70-75,共6页 JOURNAL OF BEIJING JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(2014YJS085)
关键词 多式联运 碳排放 碳税 intermodal transportation carbon emissions carbon tax
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